Who are Sofoco?

About Sofoco

Sofoco Pty Ltd is one of the resellers for Bricsys, Parabuild and CGS Labs . We sell and support BricsCAD! Parabuild , Autopath, Autosign and traffic collection.

Melissa Freemantle
I’m pleased to announce that I have purchased Sofoco from Damian Harkin. Sofoco has been a reseller of BricsCAD for 18 years, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Damian for his hard work and commitment, and wish him well in his future endeavours.

I have worked with Sofoco for seven years, working closely with Damian in administration and sales. I look forward to continuing my work with our loyal customers, and welcoming new clients. James will continue to offer sales and tech support through Sofoco, and we will continue to offer the same support and training for Parabuild and BricsCAD to our customers. 

Its with great pleasure to announce that we are now selling GCS Labs products. Please call us for more information.  

James Areson. 
James has been a part of Sofoco for over 7 years. James brings to Sofoco his experience of BricsCAD Parabuild and CGS labs. James is Sales also Tech support and Training.  

Sofoco offers a wide range of training packages to suit your workplace.  

Sofoco is proud to represent Bricsys NV